Ajps Vol 68 issue 3 July 2024


American Journal of Political Science

Volume 68, Issue 3, (July 2024)



1. Political Phantasies: Aristotle on Imagination and Collective Action

2. Do Immigrants Move to Welfare? Subnational Evidence from Switzerland

3. A Meta-Analytic Assessment of the Effects of Emotions on Political Information Search and Decision-Making

4. Keeping or Building Peace? UN Peace Operations beyond the Security Dilemma

5. Veto Institutions, Hostage-Taking, and Tacit Cooperation

6. Terrorism, Trust, and Identity: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Nigeria

7. The people think what I think: False consensus and unelected elite misperception of public opinion

8. Institutional Quality Causes Generalized Trust: Experimental Evidence on Trusting under the Shadow of Doubt

9. Can the Unfree Be Held Morally Responsible? A Douglassonian Conception of Freedom and Distributed Moral Agency

10. Terrorist Attacks, Cultural Incidents, and the Vote for Radical Parties: Analyzing Text from Twitter

11. The Effect of Sustained Transparency on Electoral Accountability

12.Losing legitimacy: The challenges of the Dobbs ruling to conventional legitimacy theory

13. Ethnonationalist Gender Norms: How Parties Shape Voter Attitudes toward Female Candidates in India

14. (The Impossibility of) Deliberation-Consistent Social Choice

15. Bicameralism and Policy Responsiveness to Public Opinion

16. Placebo Tests for Causal Inference

17. One More Time? Parties’ Repeated Electoral Entry in Younger Democracies

18. Indigenous Sovereignty, Common Law, and Natural Law

19. Retaining Political Talent: A Candidate-Centered Theory of Primary Adoption

20. Aid, Attitudes, and Insurgency: Evidence from Development Projects in Northern Afghanistan